Tourism Expert to Speak at Chamber Annual Meeting

Tourism Expert to Speak at Chamber Annual Meeting

Chamber Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 19 at 5:30pm

The Elizabethtown-White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will host a leading expert on natural and cultural tourism at their Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 19 at 5:30pm at Lu Mil Vineyard.

Simon Jones, CEO and Founder of NatureScapes will talk about his experiences in guiding communities to develop tourism strategies that tells the story of a place with an eye on sustainability and respect. Mr. Jones is one of the consultant for the UPLIFT program being introduced to Bladen County the day before the annual meeting.

"As we begin the process of creating a county and regional plan for tourism, it is important to understand how other areas have been successful," Elizabethtown-White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Terri Dennison said. "We are fortunate to have Mr. Jones' expertise and look forward to working with the whole UPLIFT team."

During the Annual Meeting, Dennison will provide an update on Chamber projects and the 2022 Awards will be presented to deserving individuals and businesses. 

 The cost to attend is $30 per person and includes a buffet dinner. Registration and information is available on the Chamber's website:

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